From Squash Magazine
By Noel Rubinton
Last October, as he approached his ninetieth birthday, Phil Leis knew exactly where he wanted to be that milestone day—on the squash court.
Leis got in touch with one of his regular partners at PVD Squash in Providence, Stefano Crema, and arranged to play. Only when they got to the court did Leis let on that It was his birthday. “I was so happy,” said Crema, “and when I asked what the number was, he told me it was ninety. Crazy. I only have love and admiration for Phil. What a wonderful human being and amazing squash player. The ‘young’ man is unstoppable.”
After some drills and games, Crema gave Leis a present: two lessons with Arthur …
The post Phil Leis Turns Ninety appeared first on Squash Magazine.